Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flashback! 11 years ago: Radiohead/ At the Drive-In...

Kid A came out 11 years ago...Do yourself a favor this week and put it in your stereo..not your ipod, your stereo and please..go back to the way we used to enjoy music, a little less easy but a bit more personal. I saw the "Optimistic" Video on MTV 2 December of 2000 and had to buy Kid A.(oddly enough they also played the Linkin Park video "One Step Closer"every 5 minutes in the same rotation) 11 years later Kid A is still fucking brilliant. In early Spring of 2001 I saw At The Drive In on a late night show play "One Armed Scissor" and again it was another game changing band entering my life. I bought Relationship of Command and Kid A at a Target in Arlington Texas circa 2001 and have never looked back. Enjoy these videos.


At The Drive-In