Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Tucker Family on Channel 8 Daybreak with Ron Corning and Cynthia Izaguirre

Once again, a special thanks goes out to the Daybreak Crew for having us on the show and helping us make the PHANTOGRAMS Art Opening a major success last month! Ron and Cynthia are the best. The day of the show we woke up around 4am to get to the studio around 5am and I had already prepped and sketched the portrait of Cynthia on the canvas I was to complete during the program. I only had so much time to finish it, and usually my Fantastica paintings take way longer than the duration of a morning show to complete... so I had to get cracking and cracking fast. Melissa and Scott Sr. worked on a small portrait of an angel while my mom Michelle, helped me finish the portrait of Cynthia right in time. In fact, I was just finishing either the jaw line or hairline the very second Ron walked her up for the surprise. If I had one less minute to complete it, the painting wouldn't have been finished in time. As soon as she saw it she loved it! She's going to make her husband hang it in his office. All together the experience was a total blast and again I can't thank Ron, Cynthia and Channel 8 enough for inviting us to be on the show. Here are a few snapshots and a link to the video clip  of us you can watch at a more reasonable time of day!


Starting on Cynthia's portrait

Working on the eyes

Finishing just in time

Scott Sr. painting an angel

Melissa finishing the angel

Michelle with Ron

Cynthia smiles next to her portrait!

The last shot of PHANTOGRAMS in the studio